Lianyue's and Ricardo's Fluid dynamics project

Hello everyone,
During the summer I had the opportunity to work with Dr. Wenbo Tang at ASU. Dr. Tang is a world renowned expert in the field. As so, he has been working on a project that determines the time it takes for particles to separate. We talked about the possibility of me taking part of that project and he agreed. During the summer I was able to implement various parameters with fortran and then being able to take that information and analyze it in MATLAB. While I was able to make progress in the project I could not finish it. For that reason Dr. Tang asked me if I would be interested in finishing it during this fall semester, I agreed. At the moment I find myself being able to figure out the times I can use MATLAB and when to meet Dr. Tang for the progress of the project. I am also working with Lianyue, another fellow math major. At the moment she is reading papers to get the knowledge and background on what constitutes my project. After she has finished reading the papers, I will show her how to code. Since she doesn't have a blog at the moment, she will put her progress below.


Our study are focus on understand vortices at a small scale and the trapping and displacement statistics associated. The flow experiment can not only directly obtain useful technical data, but also be a means to recognize the turbulent structure and develop a new concept and model of turbulence. Turbulent flow is a fluid state. When the flow rate is small, the fluid flows in layers and does not mix with each other. It is called laminar flow, also called steady flow or sheet flow. When the flow rate is gradually increased, the flow line of the fluid begins to undulate, and the frequency and amplitude of the oscillation follow the flow rate. When the flow rate increases to a large extent, the flow line is no longer clearly identifiable, there are many small eddies in the flow field, the laminar flow is destroyed, and there are not only the adjacent flow layers. Sliding, and mixing. At this time, the fluid moves irregularly and has a velocity which is perpendicular to the axial direction of the flow tube. This motion is called turbulence. The central problem is the statistical solution of the Navier-Stokes equation for the basic equation of turbulence. Due to the non-linearity of this equation and the irregularity of the turbulent solution, turbulence theory becomes the most difficult and fascinating field in fluid mechanics. Although turbulence has been studied for more than a hundred years, so far there is no mature precise theory, and many basic technical problems are not theoretically explained.


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